Monday, 1 July 2013

Who will be moved to City Campus?

When you can guess who will be moved to City Campus

Plans are underway to move some students to Kisumu City Campus come September, the Deputy Vice chancellor academic affairs, DVCAA, Prof Madara Ogot has confirmed.
In an interview in his office, he said that they are working on various details to determine who will be moved. He also said that the final decision which will affect only third and fourth years will be reached at before the month of July.
Prof Madara said that the decision to move students is based on decongesting the main campus as more than 3000 students will be admitted on September.
Speaking to Maseno Equator News he said that the departments to be moved will be picked under the criteria that they are less than 100 and they have no laboratory practicals.
“The lecture halls in Kisumu are small and thus the departments which will move must have, not more than 100 students”, said Prof Ogot.
He also added that those to be moved must have no laboratory practicals as there are no labs in city campus.
Prof Madara Ogot, DVCAA, file photo

Kisumu City Campus where students from Main campus will be moved  to  avoid congestionfile photo
The academic division is to go through various stages before arriving at the final decision. 
This includes meeting student leaders-SOMU, the city campus management and landlords in Kisumu to discuss various logistics which surround this plan before the month ends.
If students’ leaders fail to approve the plan, all students will remain in main campus but they will be slapped by various consequences.
“If the idea fails, Saturday classes will be introduced and more temporary lecture halls will be created”, said the DVCAA.
This will otherwise help cater for the many of students who exceed the number of available lecture halls.
Prof Madara however said that the option of Saturday classes was not a welcome to the lectures. He also added that it would be tricky as students who fellowship with SDA, would be disadvantaged.
Upto now, three departments have expressed their wish to be moved but they stand to pass the test. These include the the school of Urban and regional planing, Eco-tourism, school of Business and Economics and Hotel and Institutional Management 
In the long run, the school is in the process of renovating city campus so as to accommodate large number of students. 
This will result to decentralization where various campuses of Maseno university which will handle specific programs.

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 By David Mwaura and Benson Gitau

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